force of heavy melee fighters who still want to maintain their mobility. They
come to our village in search of a quiet place where to live. They also follow
the rangers style of life. In exchange for the ospitality they find in
Shadowmoor, they offer their services as village guards. While
they are warriors, the guards still serve Nature as the rangers and druids do. A
guard member shall not hurt Nature if he can avoid it. Their
recruitment rules are as strict as the Rangers' and the Council decides on who
to accept in the guard or not.
 | Guard Captain
Commander of the Guard, the captain is allowed a seat in the guild Council.
His duties include: training the Recruits and eventually assigning them a
tutor, organizing patrols and assigning missions to guards when needed. He
also interviews the candidates who want to join as Guards and then reports
to the Council about the issues regarding the village security.
Shadowmoor Guard
Guards follow the Captain orders and their role is to
ensure protection to the Village. They
can arrest any criminals inside Shadowmoor. Outside of the village, they
have no power (except when to arrest people who are criminals for
Shadowmoor). A criminal is defined as someone declared criminal by the
village Judges. The
Guard should try to keep the peace in the village and not stir trouble or
cause fighting if not really needed. Hot-heads and bloodlust warriors are
not welcome in the guard. When
in the village, every Shadowmoor Guard (not a recruit) can arrest a person
who causes trouble if they catch him in the act. Criminals
will be locked in the Prison Cell.
Guard Recruit
All the
aspirants to the Guard join us as Recruits. During this period they get
to know the guild better and, most important, they show their attitude and
skills to the senior members. A recruit is strongly encouraged to seek a Guard willing to take him under his wing. This senior
warrior will follow him during the initiation period and show him the
way of the warrior. Being a recruit does not mean being accepted in the guild
yet. When the Captain feels that the recruit is ready to
join the Guard,
he will inform the Council. Eventually, the recruit will be asked to take the Rangers
Oath and then he will
become a Shadowmoor Guard.
the normal fighter/warrior skills are allowed. Restrictions to magery still
Shadowmoor Guards don't use magery. They also don't use scrolls and runebooks, ever. This
means that Guards characters are not allowed to use the magery skill,
even when they are away from the guild. Basically, no magery skill. Period.
Magic devices like rings and wands are allowed.
& Shields





wooden kite
pieces of leather,
studded leather, ringmail and chainmail armor are allowed. Also platemail
armos, gloves and helms are allowed.
Platemail chest and leggings are disallowed as they hinder
movement. Leggings
also and leave heavy tracks. Shields: all kinds but the heater shield are
allowed. The wooden kite and wooden shields are strongly encouraged (better
“forest” feel)



All the three melee combat styles are welcome, with their relative weapons.
However bows or all kind are not allowed.