Members Bios
This page contains the biographies of some Shadow Rangers characters.
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Elder Ranger
Arwin was born in Britain where he got raised by his father, Pheleor, and
his mother, Sophia. When he reached the age of 20 he decided to leave his
home and move to Vesper. Many adventuring was done by him those days and
after a short period he visited his uncle Ylom in Moonglow where Ylom
taught Arwin the basics of Alchemy. Arwin and his parents moved to Yew
when Arwin came back from Moonglow. In the invasion of Yew by the
Shadowclan Orcs Sophia was brutely murdered and Arwin decided to go on a
pilgrimage in order to return Sophia back to life. |
Elder Ranger
Born in a little house in the forest near the village of Yew, he was the son of Janus the
lumberjack and Angelica, a tailor well renowned all over the land. Since he was a child
Nathan enjoyed spending his time in the forest with Janus, helping him and learning the
art. Nathan soon began to travel alone, venturing more and more far and deep in the
forest. During one of his travels he met a lone and old man, Uncas the Druid. Uncas
took the young Nathan under his wings and started teaching him about the importance of
Nature, its secrets, beauties and dangers. From Uncas he learned many things... and many
are yet to be learned. |
First Ranger
Brutus was born on the island town called Jholem. His family made a living as fishers. They also dabbled in the Tailoring industry.
Brutus grew up hating his life. He didn't like the islands. He
didn't enjoy fishing or sewing. He just never felt at home. So when
he was old enough, he left, to find his calling. He
sailed out of Jholem aboard a passenger ship bound for the great Capitol
City of Brittan. Which proved to offer Brutus no solace either. Once
there he found that the huge city was just as bad as the croweded island.
Brutus couldn't figure it out. He was unhappy on the island.
To many happy laid back people taking life easy in the sun. He didnt
like it in the city either. Way too many people all crammed in
together. Awalys on the go. The city never slept. There were far too many
noises and strange smells that Brutus felt almost sick. Then one day
Brutus came across a poster put up on the wall in the inn he was staying
at. It seemed a rather wealthy nobleman was looking for safe passage
to a town called Yew. Brutus at this point was rather down on his
luck and certainly needed the money. He fancied himself rather handy with
the Crossbow and thought himself up to the task. He tracked the man
down. The noble named Harrison was pleased to find someone willing to
travel to Yew. When Brutus asked why, Harrison replied "the
place is nothing but a dust bowl." "'Tis hardly a town at
all" said Harrison. "Why are you going there?"
Asked Brutus. "Well I'm to meet with some folks about some
business that doesn't concern you" replied Harrison in his best
holier than thou voice. Brutus didn't like Harrison much. But
he needed the money and wanted to find a place where he would feel at
home. He doubted that Yew would be this place and for the most part
he was right. Brutus didn't fall in love with the town of Yew when
he arrived there. He found his home in the woods on the way to Yew.
The nights were the most pleasing times Brutus had ever had. The
glow of the campfire was so calming. The silver moon above and the
sky filled with stars filled his mind with wonder. The dark woods
around with the noise of the wood creatures surrounding him sounded like
the most serene form of music Brutus had ever heard. The days proved
to be just as exciting. Brutus was amazed by how different the forest
seemed. During the night it seemed almost magical. The days held a hifferent
thrill. The thrill of the hunt. Brutus tracked and shot a deer the
second day out. Almost as if it were a natural instinct.
Hunting was to Brutus the most perfect form of sport he had ever come
across. You might think Harrison was growing bored and impatient with all
the discoveries Brutus was experiencing. But as a matter of fact
Brutus was navigating the land at a suprisingly fast rate. It was
hard for Harrison to belive that Brutus had never been in these woods
before. In no time at all the two arrived in Yew. Harrison
paid the money they had agreed upon. He then asked would Brutus be
available in a day or two to take him back. Brutus declined saying
he wouldn't be heading back to any city any time soon. He turned and
headed back into the woods. Leaving Harrison stuck in the dust bowl,
which he hated so much. |
Veteran Ranger
Rourik the Ranger happened upon an orc encampment when
huntin the outskirts of Yew one day. The Orcs were all huddled over a small bundle.
which was "cryin ?" Rourik attacked the Orcs, the orcs were suprised, "Its
a humie Ranger!!! RUN!!, ferget that Litt'lbitz he be curzed anyhowz!" exclaimed the
Orc boss as they fled. Rourik took the young "litt'lbitz" (as the orcs
called him) in and raised him as his own, teaching him the ways of the forest. After
Rouriks death, Litt'lbitz wandered the world, searching, till now of course. Because
he is home |
Veteran Ranger
A stranger from a land across the sea, Roland is a man in his early
thirties. He does not speak much, but is very observant of the words and
actions of others. He does not speak much of his past and appears to be
troubled by great sorrow. Roland has few friends and cares little for
wealth and fame. |
Arilyn Ire'laire
Veteran Ranger
The young Elf Arilyn traveled to this land in desperation, her sister,
whom she had adored her whole life, traveled here many years before in
search of her destiny. Now, Arilyn seeks her own, through the death of her
beloved sister Arilyn has found her true calling. Arilyn and her older
sister, whose name was Evealana, talked and dreamed of adventure. They
lived lives normal to Elven maids, sewing, gardening, gathering berries,
nuts and roots... But Evealana and Arilyn dreamed for much more.... They
wanted to see all that was to be seen, to move beyond what they were told
they had to be, and become what they were meant to be. Now, Evealana was a
bit older then her sister and soon set off into the wilds, at her family's
dismay, to discover what was there beyond the horizon. Many years later an
older Arilyn still waited for Evealana to return for her... but to no
avail, soon it was learned that Evealana had passed on, under some very
suspicious circumstances. Now, Arilyn, sister of Evealana, daughter of
Gwyn and Solharis and the hope of an entire people ventures off into the
wilds, just as her sister did so long ago, but this time, the seeker has
more to look for then a destiny, she holds with her the power of her
ancestors.... and the dreams that she and her sister had shared so
long ago.... |
Deep Forest Ranger
I was born in minoc to a miner named Aybara. I grew up in the shadow
of my father but took an interest in the wonders of the forests and not
the toils of the mines. From a young age I had an inept ability to
track anything in the forest and a genuine lust for the hunt. As I
grew older I developed a yearning to explore the world and a desire to
protect the denizens of the forest. I began to study the ways of the
warrior as necessary to protect myself and found that I had a natural
ability with the bow and sword. This natural ability lead me to
follow the ways of the Warrior and the Ranger. I love the challenge
of a good fight and yet at times desire only for the solitude and
peacefulness of the deep forest. I even served for a time as a scout
with different mercenary units. currently I roam the forests of the
land in search of direction for my life. |
Deep Forest Ranger
I have spent most of my time in the area between
Minoc and Vesper. As I venture forth, I seek those in need of assistance,
helping when possible. However, due to the nature of the majority of
dishonorable characters in this area, I have relocated to Yew. I
have spent time there previously, but now am in the proces of
re-acclimating myself with the area |
Deep Forest Ranger
Aeeyia was born in the healers of Minoc where her
mother died while giving birth. Her father Dean, a guard of Minoc, raised
her alone. At 18 her father found a suitable husband for her and attempted
to marry her off. Aeeyia ran away from her father and home, not wanting to
be married. She quickly learned to defend herself and is now seeking
knowledge of the world. |
Guard Captain
Okami's Personal
Scroll Okami was born in a house a few miles outside of Cove. His mother was a
tailor, and his father made his living by adventuring into Covetous
dungeon. Okami never showed as much proficiency with the blade as he did
the needle, much to his father's chagrin. However, 10 years ago, when
Okami was only 6, he returned from a trip to find his home burned down,
and a strange altar inside. His mother,father, and sister were presumed
dead. Okami knows more about what happened, but he is reluctant to share
this information with anyone. But it has been noticed that he has become
zealous in his sword training. |
Elrick Strongbow
Deep Forest Ranger
I was born in a distant land from Sosaria, on a forgotten continent. My
father, Alarick Strongbow, a human, had maried an elven maiden. From that
union, I was born, Elric Strongbow, a half-elf. My family there held a
small territory composed mainly of woodlands. There, a strong evil rose
and many wars were waged upon it. The many families and clans had to unite
in order to fight this dreaded evil. Alas, at the end, the few remains of
my family had to escape to avoid destruction. This evil was just too
powerfull to be crushed. My father staided behind to slow down this evil
force... But as we left our home lands, the evil cursed our family and
vowed to lay destruction and death on our family. In our escape, we had
brought a family artefact, a strange mystic blade. The evil had seemed
drawned to it, for no apparent reasons. Fleeing this dark curse, we
sweared to avenge ourselves one day and defeat this evil. I lived near
Britannia for a while but, missing the woods, i headed for Yew. There I
thought that, at last, I would find peace. I travelled the woods and met
Ruden and his rangers. I finally joined them to fight the evil that was
about to overcome Yew's peacefull lands. I had a son, named Vanheil
Maegloth and, fearing that the evil would find him, i took him to the
Velts so that they might take care of him for a while. Alas, I was wrong
and the evil eventually found us along with our family's blade. He took my
son's soul captive and I set up for a quest, knowing that i would probably
never Yew's woods again. Before leaving, I left Vanheil's immobile body to
the care of the Rangers of the Heart. Picking up the sword my family had
proudly carried from generations to generations, I set up to face this
evil being. After a harsh fight, I managed to drive away the evil but a
the cost of my life energy. I was stuck into a void for a very long time,
having no hope of ever comming back to Sosaria and knowing that the evil
would be back, that it had only been driven away by my vain attempts to
destroy it. Eventually, I managed to escape from this void and return to
Sosaria's lands. Only to remember that my son's soul had been lost in the
fight along with the blade that had been the cost to pay to ban this
monstruosity. I also found out that the RoH had nearly been disbanded,
that there were nearly no members left. Having nothing left, I took an oth
to protect those lands, the only thing that I had left, hoping that, in
protecting those woods, I might save what was left of my honor... |
Perigon Golan
Deep Forest Ranger
I am Perigon Golan, elven ranger. I was born at a rather bad time, outside
Yew near a river. My parents were going to Vesper to visit someone, my
Grandfather was comeing along, and my mother was on a covered wagon my
father had created. My mother went into labor on that wagon while going to
Vesper. Shortly after I was born,( 5 minutes or less after I was out),
some orcs attacked. My father and grandfather fought, and fought, but
there were too many and my mother made a small raft of branchs and such
things, and sent me down a river into the ocean for my own safety. I wound up washing
upon a desert island one day later. A castaway pirate named Captain Robert
Gungan found me, and raised me. He told me what he knew of the elven
culture, but unfortunetly he did not know the language, thats why you
never hear me speaking it. About 90 years later, Gungan as I called him
lived a very long life, but he was dieing. He had contructed a small raft,
and since he allways liked it on the island he nevr used it, well after he
died, I had to leave no one around it was almsot unbarably lonely. So, I
got on the raft, not knowing my past, and I sailed off into what seemed
like an endless plain of water. After a few days I hit the coast of Yew.
There a meet an old man, old even for an elf. He was close to death they
were celebrating his life at Empath Abbey. Well he saw me, and saw that I
was an elf. He told me to come closer and that he had something to give
me. He gave me a bow. And asked what my name was. I said it was Perigon,
but I did not know my last name for I never knew my parents. He asked why
not, I said that I washed up on an island 90 years ago, and I was raised
by a captain whos ship had sunken. He looked at me, and recognized a birth
mark on my hand in the shape of an arrow. He said, " Oh my!!! I am on
my death bed and I have finally meet my grandson!, he then went on to tell
me the story of my parents and the attack, it turned out that he was
knocked unconcious, and when he awoke he found my parents ripped apart. |
Deep Forest Ranger
Personal Scroll
There are parts of his past that Edgar guards
fiercely, and considers them to between him and those involved. Edgar's
father was a mage, but lived in Yew as a shepard. Edgar lived with his
father and younger brother, Sabin. Edgar's mother died while giving birth
to his younger brother. The brothers had a comfortable childhood, playing
among the trees of the deep woods, swimming in the nearby streams, and
helping their father tend to his herd of sheep. One night, a band of orcs
destroyed Edgar's house while on their way to raid Yew. His father was
killed in the process. After the guards had repelled this band, Edgar and
his younger brother went to the abbey seeking a mentor. Sabin went with an
animal tamer to Papua. Edgar has heard little about his younger brother
since. Edgar found a fellow named Conan, who took him to Vesper, where
many things happened that Edgar would rather not speak about. Edgar took
to the north woods of Vesper where he learned to chop wood to make bows
and arrows. Edgar enjoyed this trade and decided to return to his birth
city to become a woodsman. He met there a band of rangers dedicated to the
protection of the deep forest, known as the Shadow
Rangers.. Edgar knew at last he had found where he truly belonged.
Edgar set up a tavern, which he later turned into a meeting-hall
/sanctuary, called Wisp Lodge. It is mainly managed now by Edgar's good
friend Toby
Lyim Rashidat
Ranger Initiate
Borne in a village near Minoc, I learned early on how to handle
myself in combat from the local militia. One night, trolls and ogres
raided our small village, I was hit hard and covered by debris. When I
awoke, I found my home azed and my parents missing. I have sought after
them ever since. Not to mention seeking vengence against the ones who
destroyed my home... |
Gregor McCloud
Ranger Initiate
I am a woodsman threw and threw. I love the sound of the birds
chirping and the smells of the night air. There is nothing like the night
as the wind blows threw the trees and counting the stars from the warmth
of a good campfire. I was taught by my father to care for each and every
living creature that walked in the deep woods. I raised on the firm
beliefs to protect the woods and the woods would give you safety and
shelter from evil. I have devoted all my life to serving the people and
countlessly wandering the lands of Yew protecting the innocent from the
evil that sadly awaits lost or wandering common folk. I am a Ranger ! |
Ranger Initiate
Kaladen was born in the forests near Yew. His father, Malthor, was
primarly a farmer although he liked to tinker with things. His
mother, Cyndra, gave up the solitary life of a druid to be with her
husband and family. She agreed to hide her ablilites from her
children. However when Kaladen beagn to disapear into the forests
for days, which would make his father very angry for not doing his chores,
his mother began to show him the ways of the forest. She never
revealed the secret of her magic though. Kaladen had three brothers,
Kromwell the warrior, Galdor the Bard and Mordwin the Mage. Mordwin, the youngest, had descovered his mothers
secret and began to study magic, unknown to his mother or father.
Krmowell soon left for Trinsic, Galdor for Britain and Mordwin for
Moonglow. Only Kaladen stayed near Yew, but he rarley was home,
often staying in the forests for months. It was during a trip to
Vesper with his father that the orcs, who had discovered his mothers
secxret, burned the farm killing his mo ther. This devasted
the family, after whihc thier father revealed the secret thier mother had
kept. Kaladen stayed in Vesper for awhile, training in the ways of a
Ranger, however his home in Yew soon called and he returned. His
father remained in Minoc and began life again as a craftsman. |
Deep Forest Druid
Very little is known about Stilgar's past. The rangers met him
"accidentaly" when they were out in one of their quests, and he
helped them in several occasions. In one of these, it became evident that
Stilgar is one of the very few persons allowed to visit Uncas' hideout in
the deep forest. He seeks knoweledge: the lore, the legends, the
geography, the ancient history are the core of his research. He is rumored
to be in posses of one of the largest collection of books in the land,
even larger than Lord British's renowned library. |